“A Child Is Only A Moment”

“Yes, a child is only a moment, a wonderful moment that never comes again
Yes, a child is only a moment, hold on to that moment, for it never comes again.”
(Rosemary Clooney)

Recently, I got to meet and photograph this sweet little girl. She was everything her parents had hoped for. In that moment she was absolutely adorable and seven days old.

After working on these images of her, I dug out the photo albums of my own kids Matt and Amanda. I had forgotten how tiny they were. Amanda would grow up to teach us all about hope, faith and reaching for the stars. She would sail away to far away places and still hold us close.  Matt would teach us to see the flowers along the way, patience, that hugs solve just about any problem and that it is the little things that make life great.

Hold on these moments.

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“I’d Like to Get to Know You Before You Grow”

“How do you like the world so far?
Where’d you get that smile?
I know that you’ve got a lot to do
But won’t you sit with me awhile.
I look at you and wonder
Where oh where does the time go
And I’d like to get to know you
Before you grow.”

Seven days old! So little and so loved. We dream. We love. We wonder. We hold them close in our arms. We hope that we will have time to get to know them before they grow.

Happy Mother’s Day Erin!

Posted in babies, Children, Uncategorized | 7 Comments

“Let Them Be Little”

Who knew I would learn so much from preschoolers. I subbed for the preschool teacher this winter.

I learned that dark and orangible are colours. Most girls choose pink and purple as their favourite colour. They wish they could see rainbow coloured animals.  Sometimes its hard to change even if you are four years old. No wonder I have a hard time at my age…
We should always have someone pack us a snack to eat at 10:15 and 2:15. Sometimes you don’t get cheese and crackers in the little package because they aren’t on sale.

And as to how many teeth we have in our mouths – some say one, some say five, some say onehundredninehundred and one little boy told me we have “three two, I don’t know how to say that number” teeth in our mouth.

And when it is time to get dressed to go home, you should just be able to lay on the floor and have someone else dress you.
I also learned that teaching three and four year olds can be exhausting!
But we did have fun…

I remember when these little preschoolers fit in the palm of their parent’s hands. I was lucky enough to have been there to capture these moments. Now it is three years later and it amazes me how fast they have grown and all that they know.

“So let them be little ’cause they’re only that way for a while
Give them hope, give them praise, give them love every day
Let them cry, let them giggle, let them sleep in the middle
Oh just let them be little.”

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“Crazy Love”

“I can hear her heart beat for a thousand miles
And the heavens open every time she smiles
And when I come to her, that’s where I belong
I’m running to her like a river’s song

She gives me love, love, love, love, crazy love.”

Caitlin and Chris met on a rainy day in an apartment stairwell. Chris was looking for a running team to join and his friend gave him Caitlin’s number. They were to have met previously outside a local track. But they couldn’t find each other. Caitlin called Chris and they planned to meet the next day…..

As we were walking and taking pictures, I asked  Cailtin what some of her favourite activities were. The first thing she said was “running.” I asked Chris the same question, and the first thing he said was “running.” When I asked them what they enjoyed doing together, their first choice wasn’t traveling, hiking or adventures, it was…running!

And as to who can run faster…Caitlin!

They are getting married this summer. For Caitlin and Chris one of the great things about being married will be knowing that they will have someone who will run with them through good times and bad.

“She gives me love, love, love, love, crazy love.”

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“My Favorite Things”

Saturday night was “Oscar Night” at our house. My cousin Darrell, who is the principal timpanist for the SSO, and his wife Shelley had invited us to a night at the Movies – a Night of Oscar Award Winning Music. There are few things that truly say what our hearts cannot say.

I have often wondered what it is about music that brings out such emotions in all of us. Music consoles us when we are sad, invigorates us in happier times and bonds us to others.

Imagine sitting there and listening to Gone With The Wind, Lara’s Theme, Pirates of the Caribbean and The Sound of Music in 3d 7.1 living surround sound… And that got me thinking about my favorite things.

The first blossoms in spring. Roses that remind me of the ones that my grandma grew in her garden. Music that touches our souls. Misty mornings when you are camping. Seeing everything I thought I knew in a different light, and from a crooked angle. Setting off on a journey. Losing yourself in a Pixar Movie – “UP”. When I saw my tree I knew I had finally found the spot where my world met the world of “UP.”
“These are a few of my favorite things…”

Posted in Nature, travel | 3 Comments

“I Want To Hold Your Hand”

We sat under the darkening sky and watched the clouds roll in. Would the rain hold off?Then as the groom, the best men, friends and family turned to see the bridesmaids come walking down the path, the skies opened and it began to rain. We watched from under our umbrellas as Sarah, our niece and her best friend, Mackenzie stood hand in hand promising to be there for each other in sunshine and in rain. And through it all they smiled and held hands.

“And please say to me,
You’ll let me hold your hand.
I want to hold your hand.”

I hope that these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, and wanting to hold your hand.

I was not the photographer at this wedding but how can you not take your camera to a wedding…

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“Ordinary Miracles”

Seven Days Old…So tiny and so beautiful. Babies are extraordinary, ordinary miracles. But babies cry, they need to be fed, they don’t sleep and as parents we get so tired. Then we forget to see the ordinary miracles.

It is nothing short of a miracle when you can hold your babies and know, that you are their everything. It is nothing short of a miracle to watch your  babies sleep and to know that at that moment, they are safe and secure.

“Ordinary miracle
Do you want to see a miracle?
Its seems so exceptional
Things just work out after all
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.”
(Sarah McLachlan)

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“Bebop Your Best”

“Inside of you there’s burning
A secret shining star
And nobody’s as good as you
At being who you are
You’re gonna find your own way
So don’t you worry ‘bout the rest
Just live life like you mean it
And bibbity – Be-Bop Your Best!”
(Music and Lyrics by Red Grammer)

This song perfectly describes Mackenzie. She is two years old and she is going to live life her way.

You know the saying you don’t always get what you want…I had taken pictures of Mackenzie, when she turned one, wearing the tutu her grandma had made her. Now we wanted another for the series. We had to bribe her to come into the studio by bringing the birds in. Her grandma quickly dressed Mackenzie in her tutu before she realized what was happening. Mackenzie ran up to see the birds. We got two shots before she turned around and looked at us and yelled “NO!” She pulled off the tutu and that was that!

She is an amazing little girl and I love her independent spirit.

“You’re a tantalizing mystery
You’re the only you there’ll ever be in history!
So Baby Be-Bop Your Best and give it your best, why not?
Baby, Be-Bop Your Best – and give it the best you’ve got!”

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“I’ll Be Home For Christmas”

“I’ll be home for Christmas.
You can count on me.”

We go home for Christmas. Or we wait for our kids to come home for Christmas. Christmas is about waiting and surprises. It is especially true for my family this year. Most of my family was waiting for kids to come home. Katelyn is in Abbotsford. Amanda and Tyler are in Ottawa. And Vanessa is in Germany. Then within days of each other they came home. Katelyn arrived home first. Amanda and Tyler arrived on the train the same night that Vanessa flew in from Germany. Vanessa’s arrival was a surprise.

On Saturday night we went out to the VIA station and waited for the train to bring Amanda and Tyler. We stood out in the dark anticipating a glimpse of the lights. Waiting inside the train station were Tyler’s family and Amanda’s best friend. She was waiting to surprise Amanda.

Would it be on time?  Just after 11 p.m. we saw the train rounding the bend. The train rolled to a stop and people started to get off. And then we heard Amanda calling us.

They were home for Christmas!

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“All You Need Is Love”

“It’s easy.
All you need is love.” And a dog called Ruby.

This is my friend Therese who works with children who need a little extra time, teaching, and tenderness. And then there is Ruby with soft brown eyes that seem to say stop a while, I want to play.

The three of us went out on a cold, blustery afternoon in October. The wind was picking up. Geese were honking and flying over head. Dark clouds were rolling in and ten minutes later it started to pour.

Merry Christmas Therese and Ruby!

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